HAXP: Human-Aware and Explainable Planning

ICAPS'24 Workshop Banff, Alberta, Canada June 3, 2024

Aim and Scope of the Workshop

As artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being adopted into application solutions, the challenge of supporting effective interactions with humans is becoming more apparent. Partly this is to support integrated working styles, in which humans and intelligent systems cooperate in problem-solving, but also it is a necessary step in the process of building and calibrating trust as humans migrate greater competence and responsibility to such systems. The International Workshop on Human-Aware and Explainable Planning (HAXP), formerly known as the Explainable AI Planning (XAIP) workshop, brings together the latest and best in human-AI interaction and explainability, in the context of planning, scheduling, RL and other forms of sequential decision-making process. The workshop is collocated with ICAPS, the premier conference on automated planning and scheduling. Learn more: HAXP


You can find the schedule her: HAXP Schedule

Accepted Papers

  • On Computing Plans with Uniform Action Costs by Alberto Pozanco, Daniel Borrajo and Manuela Veloso
  • Initial Steps in Planning under Qualitative Uncertainty by Brandon Rozek and Selmer Bringsjord
  • Maintaining, Monitoring, and Managing User Engagement in Social Robotics for Short-Term Interactions by Alan Lindsay, Andres A. Ramirez-Duque, Mary Ellen Foster and Ron Petrick
  • A Conflict-Driven Approach for Reaching Goals Specified with Negation as Failure by Forest Agostinelli
  • Reducing Human-Robot Goal State Divergence with Environment Design by Kelsey Sikes, Sarah Keren and Sarath Sreedharan
  • Human-Aware Epistemic Task Planning for Human-Robot Collaboration by Shashank Shekhar, Anthony Favier, Rachid Alami
  • Increased Plan Stability in Cooperative Electric Vehicles Path-Planning by Jaël Champagne Gareau, Guillaume Gosset, Marc-André Lavoie, Éric Beaudry and Vladimir Makarenkov
  • Human-Modeling in Sequential Decision-Making: An Analysis through the Lens of Human-Aware AI by Silvia Tulli, Stylianos Loukas Vasileiou, Sarath Sreedharan
  • Approximating Human Models During Argumentation-based Dialogues by Yinxu Tang, Stylianos Loukas Vasileiou, William Yeoh
  • Towards Robust LLM-Driven Planning from Minimal Text Descriptions by Elliot Gestrin, Marco Kuhlmann, Jendrik Seipp

Topics of Interest

The workshop includes - but is not limited to - the following topics:

  • Human-aware planning, scheduling, and execution.
  • Human monitoring, plan & goal recognition, and behavior prediction.
  • Mixed-initiative planning and scheduling systems.
  • Learning methods for planning/scheduling in the presence of humans.
  • Explanations of behavior in sequential decision-making/decision-support.
  • Explanation of scheduling/allocation decisions to human stakeholders.
  • Improving interpretability and explainability of AI planning/scheduling systems.
  • Generating predictable and interpretable behavior.
  • Methods for reward, goal, preference, or constraint specification for reinforcement learning agents.
  • Creating interpretable and adaptive user interfaces for planning/scheduling systems.
  • Proactive assistance and decision-support in human-AI collaborative scenarios.
  • Cognitive modeling, social interaction, and theory of mind.
  • Safety, ethics, fairness, transparency and responsible behavior generation in the context of planning/scheduling systems.
  • Representation and acquisition of human behavioral models.
  • Theories and applications of human behavior models.
  • Trust, communication, and collaboration in human-AI teams.
  • Benchmarking planning/scheduling domains for human-AI interaction.
  • Large language models in human-aware planning & scheduling.

Important Dates

  • Paper submission deadline: March 25, 2024 UTC-12 April 7th, 2024 UTC-12
  • Notification of acceptance: April 29, 2024 UTC-12
  • Camera-ready paper submissions: TBD (after the workshop)
  • Workshop date: June 3, 2024

Submission Details

We invite submissions of the following types:

  • Full technical papers making an original contribution; up to 9 pages including references.
  • Short technical papers making an original contribution; up to 5 pages including references.
  • Position papers proposing HAXP challenges, outlining HAXP ideas, debating issues relevant to HAXP; up to 5 pages including references.

Submissions will be hosted on OpenReview Please ensure that you have registered with OpenReview. New profiles with an institutional email will be activated immediately. However, new profiles without an institutional email may take up to two weeks to be activated.

We are pleased to announce that an extended version of the accepted papers may be considered for publication in the Topical Collection on Explainable Sequential Decision-Making at the journal Neural Computing and Applications.

Papers must be prepared according to the instructions for ICAPS 2024 (in AAAI format) available at: Paper template

Authors who are considering submitting to the workshop papers rejected from the main conference, please ensure you do your utmost to address the comments given by ICAPS reviewers. Please do not submit papers that are already accepted for the main conference to the workshop.

Every submission will be reviewed by members of the program committee according to the usual criteria such as relevance to the workshop, the significance of the contribution, and technical quality. Submissions are double-blind.

The workshop is meant to be an open and inclusive forum, and we encourage papers that report on work in progress or that do not fit the mold of a typical conference paper.

At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop in order to present the paper. All participants need to register to the main ICAPS conference. There will be no separate registration required.

We are excited that ICAPS is going to be a physical conference this year. However, we understand that not everyone will be able to travel to Banff, due to factors such as personal health or travel restrictions. Although not guaranteed yet, there might be limited support for remote presentations for those who cannot attend the in-person event.

Organizing Committee

Steering Committee